Plurilinguismo e politiche linguistiche. L’esempio del CIEBP
In this article we review some of the most important initiatives dealing with research or planning actions about bilingualism and plurilingualism, which were developed between the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the current one. We will pay special attention to one of them, whose present name is CIEBP (Centre d’Information sur l’Éducation Bilingue et Plurilingue) and is probably the oldest project: it was born in 1968, when the attitude of official pedagogy towards early bilingual teaching was still strongly negative. This project was named Cmieb (Centre Mondial d’Information sur l’Éducation Bilingue), and it was part of the Fédération Mondiale des Villes Jumelées. We will thus discuss the aims, the development, the organization and the achievements of CIEBP, whose first president was André Martinet from 1968 to 1993.
DOI: 10.4424/lam72018-1Keywords
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