La divulgació en català de la “Historia d’Alexandre” de Quint Curci a través de Pier Candido Decembrio i el Veronese

Montserrat Ferrer Santanach (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)


In 1481 the Catalan translation of Quintus Curcius’ History of Alexandre was printed in Barcelona. It was not translated directly from the Latin text but rather was transfered from the Italian version that Pier Candido Decembrio produced in 1438. The aim of this article is to show how Curcius’ History of Alexandre reached the Crown of Aragon via Italian, and how it was first translated into Catalan and later completed for printing with the first chapters of Plutarch’s Life of Alexander extracted from the Latin version by Guarino Veronese. It also examines the relationship between the Catalan and the Spanish versions.

DOI: 10.4424/lam82019-6


Curtius Rufus; Historiae Alexandri Magni; Pier Candido Decembrio; Catalan; Italian; Translation; Renaissance.

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