I ‘Voyages excentriques’ in Italia fra traduzione e riscrittura (1823-1824)

Bianca Del Buono (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici e del Patrimonio Culturale, Università degli Studi di Udine)


This paper discusses some aspects of the Italian reception of two French récits excentriques (Voyage autour de ma chambre and Voyage dans mes poches). After a short introduction to the first Italian translations, Viaggio intorno alla mia camera by Giuseppe Montani and Viaggio nelle mie tasche by Luigi Bassi, both published in 1823, the rewriting Viaggio nelle mie saccocce will be discussed and compared to previous translations. The text, first published in 1824, has recently been attributed to Giuseppe Montani and combines the translation of several chapters from Voyage dans mes poches with several portions of original text, as well as with extracts from other works (e.g. Sterne’s Sentimental Journey, Parini’s Giorno). The main purpose of the paper is to establish the specific value of this eccentric literary writing within the nineteenth-century Italian translated literature.



Translation Studies; Reception Studies; Récit excentrique; 19th century Italian literature; Giuseppe Montani.

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