I nuovi compiti scritti di latino in Austria: riflessioni di base e prospettive in vista dei nuovi esami di maturità

Rainer Weissengruber (Collegium Aloisianum, Linz-Freinberg)


The radical reforms which have deeply modified the way we teach Latin in Austria, are generating a near-revolution concerning the concluding examination, as well as the written tests during the school year. The translation test is still the main part of the exam, but its weight is reduced if compared to the traditional practice, and counts now for little more than a half of the given task. The remaining part of the examination includes the interpretation of a text, that is its „substantial understanding”, and questions concerning the background knowledge and the general culture of pupils. The new approach is raising different evaluations and reactions from inside the school environment, ranging from very positive to negative, and the debate is still going on. The new teaching system aligns ancient languages to the established model of modern ones, and disrupts the image of conservatorism which dominated classical disciplines until a short time ago, with a special regard to the evaluation of written tests.

DOI: 10.4424/lam22013-5


Latin language; Language teaching; School reform; Austria.

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