Per un apprendimento linguistico secondo il metodo neo-comparativo: note storico-concettuali
Oniga (2012) has recently proposed the application of an innovative perspective on Latin grammar teaching following updated academic research, because he believes that a new comparative method, which is not limited only to the traditional Indo-European historical perspective, but is extended also to modern languages, will allow students to approach Latin in a more motivating way. In this article a conceptual and historical outline to Altertumswissenschaft-oriented scholars and language teachers is offered: a synoptic sketch of the background of the birth of Chomsky’s theory, second language learning, implicit and explicit learning and the instruction and reading-method will enable teachers to get a more indepth insight in the conceptual framework of Oniga’s proposal from a teaching perspective.
DOI: 10.4424/lam22013-3Keywords
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