La "Grande Grammatica Italiana di Consultazione" e la "Grammatica dell’Italiano Antico": strumenti per la ricerca e per la scuola
In this article the two reference grammars we directed and published in the past years are presented. Both works are the result of the collaboration between different authors, but they have a common theoretical approach. In the first part of the article we focus on some aspects which are common to the two Grammars (e.g. their synchronic perspective, their descriptive and – partially – explicative aim), but we also notice some differences that necessarily arise between them. The latter are mainly due to the fact that the first grammar is based on the linguistic intuitions of speakers and listeners (and these intuitions are also socially shared), while the second one analyses the data of a well-defined historical corpus composed of literary and non-literary works of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century. In the second part of the article we discuss in greater detail seven syntactic issues in order to show the difference between Old and Modern Italian.
DOI: 10.4424/lam42015-6Keywords
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