Germano Proverbio e il dibattito scolastico tra contestazione e riforme mancate

Giorgio Chiosso (Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione)


The present article aims to analyse the role of Germano Proverbio within the history of the Italian school, providing elements for reflection on the rich national debate in the era of mass schooling, launched in Italy among academics and policymakers in the second half of XX century. Moving from his Salesian vocation, Proverbio showed attention to innovations, always accompanied by the idea that every change should be made in function of human growth – hence underlining the need to personalise teaching and to value the school as a place for cultural reflection, transforming it in a place not only meant to transmit notions, but also to help learners to face real life with and among other people.



History of Education; School; Sociology of Cultural Process and Communication; Germano Proverbio.

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