Greco-latino e inglese nella lingua medica italiana contemporanea: convivenza pacifica o sopraffazione?
This paper has two basic objectives: 1. to provide an idea of the numbers and characteristics of the Graeco-Latin and English lexicon in the context of medical Italian contemporary language; 2. to understand the mutual relations and the prospects of the two lexicons within the medical Italian language. At this purpose, the exposition is divided into three parts: a) consistency of the lexicon of Graeco-Latin origin within the medical Italian language as a whole, its nature, historical and cultural causes of his success through the centuries; b) consistency of the English lexicon in the medical Italian language today, particularly in the branches of pharmacology, anesthesia and orthodontics, its nature, historical and cultural causes of the current success; c) relations between the two lexicons, i.e. Graeco-Latin and English, and their perspectives for future developments.
DOI: 10.4424/lam42015-5Keywords
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