Per l’introduzione della linguistica generale nel curriculum delle scuole superiori

Davide Astori (Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese Culturali, Università degli Studi di Parma)


General Linguistics can be successfully introduced in secondary school syllabuses within the framework of the most recent research on innovative education: not only basic notions of the discipline would not subtract time from teaching ancient or modern languages, but they would, to the contrary, promote learning by raising awareness about how languages work. Such a proposal is also in line with the current secondary school system and the increasing presence of students of different ethnic and cultural backgrunds as well as students with learning difficulties (both categories often experience the discomfort of a teaching approach which does not take into consideration the specificity of students’ needs and backgrounds). Improving on logicallinguistic strategies would develop further metacognitive skills, improve on productive and expressive competences; this will help students achieve better accuracy in exposition and presentation, which is one of the methodological milestones of this disciplinary field.

DOI: 10.4424/lam62017-5


General linguistics; Secondary school; Language teaching; Logical-linguistic strategies; Metacognitive skills.

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