Promozione del plurilinguismo in età scolare e inclusione: il progetto IMPACT-FVG 2018-2020
Building on research results from EU-funded IMPACT-FVG 2018-2020 project, the present article analyses the linguistic repertoire of students with a migratory background in primary and lower secondary schools in the Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. After describing students' linguistic usages in various domains (including the educational one) and in comparison with previous surveys, it observes a tendency towards an increasing resort to Italian in relation to a certain number of communicative situations. The contribution then illustrates the hindrances that stand in the way of a full implementation of educational practices aiming at preserving and supporting students' plurilingualism as a means to enhance the process of inclusion of pupils with migratory background into the Italian school system. To overcome those impediments it eventually suggests the importance of appropriate teachers' training on the sociolinguistic and cultural dimensions related to the preservation of students' plurilingual repertoires.
DOI: 10.4424/lam102021-11
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