Suffissi valutativi in Plauto: una proposta cognitivista e morfo-pragmatica
Latin evaluative suffixes, especially diminutives, have received considerable attention in the relevant literature, but a morphologicalpragmatic analysis of their uses is still lacking. This work aims at analysing the behavior of the archaic Latin suffix -llus within a theoretical framework combining Dressler – Merlini Barbaresi’s (1994) morpho-pragmatic model and the cognitive perspective on polysemy and the pragmatic polyfunctionality of evaluative suffixes. As an evaluative suffix, -llus is used with a proper diminutive function that adds to the base the semantic component [small]. In many cases, however, -llus plays a function related to the complex system of relations between the speaker, the listener and the communicative situation. In such cases, it has scope on the entire speech-act and is used to express a range of meanings among which imprecision, attenuation, endearment, euphemism, irony, playful or generically affective attitude.
DOI: 10.4424/lam92020-3
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